Clothing in Spanish

Learning clothing vocabulary is essential for communicating in everyday situations such as shopping, describing what you are wearing or talking about clothing preferences. In addition, by learning clothing vocabulary, you can better understand the culture and fashion trends in Spanish-speaking countries. Learn clothing vocabulary with these vocabulary lists and enjoy a day of shopping in a Spanish-speaking country.

The top and bottom

The parts above Translation The parts below Translation
Camisa Shirt Pantalones Pants
Blusa Blouse Vaqueros Jeans
Camiseta T-shirt Falda Skirt
Sudadera Sweatshirt Vestido Dress
Jersey Sweater Shorts Shorts
Chaqueta Jacket Leggings Leggings
Abrigo Coat Pantalones cortos Capris
Chaleco Vest Mono Jumpsuit
Corbata Tie Pantalones deportivos Sweatpants
Bufanda Scarf Traje de baño / Bañador Swimsuit
Trench coat Gabardina Ropa interior Underwear
Chuvasquero Raincoat Calcetines Socks
Poncho Poncho    
Traje Suit    
Chándal Tracksuit    
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Footwear and accessories

Footwear Translation Accessories Translation
Zapatos Shoes Sombrero Hat
Zapatillas Sneakers Gorra Cap
Botas Boots Guantes Gloves
Sandalias Sandals Bufanda Scarf
Chanclas Flip-flops Cinturón Belt
Tacones High heels Gafas de sol Sunglasses
Mocasines Loafers Bolso Purse/Handbag
Pantuflas Slippers Mochila Backpack
Botines Ankle boots Bufanda Scarf
Deportivas Athletic shoes Joyas Jewelry
    Pajarita Bowtie

Useful expressions to describe clothing

  • Está de moda. (It's in fashion.)
  • Es elegante. (It's elegant.)
  • Es cómodo. (It's comfortable.)
  • Es formal. (It's formal.)
  • Es casual. (It's casual.)
  • Es de algodón. (It's made of cotton.)
  • Es de cuero. (It's leather.)
  • Es de lana. (It's wool.)
  • Tiene estampados florales. (It has floral prints.)
  • Es de rayas. (It's striped.)
  • Es de lunares. (It's polka-dotted.)
  • Es de colores vivos. (It's in bright colors.)
  • Es de colores neutros. (It's in neutral colors.)
  • Me queda grande/pequeño. (It's too big/small for me.)
  • Combina bien con. (It goes well with.)

Learn the vocabulary for shopping with Sprachcaffe

Learning clothing vocabulary not only helps you in communication and social interaction, but also enriches your cultural understanding and enhances your ability to express yourself through clothing choices. One tip for learning clothing is to check the labels on your clothing. Many times they have the words in Spanish and English, which makes it easier to associate. If you have any questions or need more examples, feel free to contact us or visit our Spanish courses.

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