Food and beverages in Spanish

Learning vocabulary related to food and drink in Spanish is essential to fully experience the Hispanic culture. Gastronomy is a fundamental part of the identity and lifestyle in Spanish-speaking countries, and understanding this vocabulary allows you to enjoy a wide variety of dishes and drinks.

Beverages in Spanish

Common beverages Translation Alcoholic beverages Translation
Agua Water Cerveza Beer
Café Coffee Vino Wine
Tea Whisky Whiskey
Zumo / Jugo Juice Ron Rum
Refresco Gaseosa / Soda Cóctel Coktail
Smoothie Smoothie    
Leche Milk    
Agua mineral Mineral Water    


Spanish English
Carne de Res Beef
Carne de Cerdo Porl
Pollo Chicken
Pavo Turkey
Cordero Lamb
Filete Steak
Estofado Stew
Asado Roast
Salchicha Sausage
Hamburguesa Hamburger
Embutido Cold cuts / Deli meat
Chuleta Chop


Spanish English
Salmón Salmon
Atún Tuna
Trucha Trout
Merluza Hake
Pescado Blanco White fish
Dorado Dorado
Sardina Sardine
Marisco Seafood
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Spanish English
Zanahoria Carrot
Brócoli Broccoli
Espinaca Spinach
Lechuga Lettuce
Patata Potato
Calabaza Pumpkin / Squash
Cebolla Onion
Tomate Tomato
Pimiento Bell pepper
Ajo Garlic


Spanish English
Manzana Apple
Plátano Banana
Naranja Orange
Fresa Strawberry
Uva Grape
Piña Pineapple
Sandía Watermelon
Melón Melon
Mango Mango
Papaya Papaya
Coco Coconut
Guayaba Guava
Limón Lemon
Pomelo Grapefruit

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  • Pastel: Cake
  • Yogur: Yogurt
  • Helado: Ice cream
  • Galleta: Cookie
  • Tarta: Pie
  • Flan: Flan
  • Cupcake: Magdalena / Cupcake
  • Brownie: Brownie
  • Dulce de leche: Dulce de leche
  • Natillas: Custard
  • Chocolate: Chocolate
  • Crema: Cream
  • Mousse: Mousse
  • Turrón: Nougat
  • Churro: Churro

Expressions for ordering in a restaurant

  • Saludos (Greetings):
    • Spanish: "Hola, buenas tardes."
    • English: "Hello, good afternoon."
  • Pedir una Mesa (Requesting a Table):
    • Spanish: "¿Podemos tener una mesa para ___ , por favor?"
    • English: "Can we have a table for ____, please?"
  • Pedir el Menú (Asking for the Menu):
    • Spanish: "¿Nos puede traer el menú, por favor?"
    • English: "Can you bring us the menu, please?"
  • Ordenar una Bebida (Ordering a Drink):
    • Spanish: "Un vaso de agua, por favor."
    • English: "A glass of water, please."
  • Preguntar por Recomendaciones (Asking for Recommendations):
    • Spanish: "¿Qué plato nos recomienda?"
    • English: "What do you recommend?"
  • Consultar sobre Ingredientes (Inquiring about Ingredients):
    • Spanish: "¿Este platillo lleva nueces?"
    • English: "Does this dish contain nuts?"
  • Hacer un Pedido (Placing an Order):
    • Spanish: "Quisiera _____ por favor."
    • English: "I would like _____, please."
  • Personalizar el Pedido (Customizing the Order):
    • Spanish: "Quisiera la ensalada sin cebolla, por favor."
    • English: "I would like the salad without onions, please."
  • Preguntar por Postres (Inquiring about Desserts):
    • Spanish: "¿Cuáles son las opciones de postre?"
    • English: "What are the dessert options?"
  • Solicitar la Cuenta (Asking for the Check):
    • Spanish: "La cuenta, por favor."
    • English: "The check, please."
  • Expresar Agradecimiento (Expressing Gratitude):
    • Spanish: "Gracias por la atención, todo estuvo delicioso."
    • English: "Thank you for the service, everything was delicious."
    • Spanish: "La comida estuvo excelente, muchas gracias."
    • English: "The food was excellent, thank you very much."

Learn how to order in a restaurant with Sprachcaffe

Food and drink are fundamental aspects of everyday life. Learning this vocabulary allows you to communicate in essential situations, such as ordering in a restaurant, shopping for groceries or talking about your food preferences. To learn food vocabulary quickly, we recommend that you read product labels in Spanish and follow recipes in Spanish to familiarize yourself with culinary terms and instructions. If you have any questions or need more examples, feel free to contact us or visit our Spanish courses.

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